Yesterday was a great day. I suppose I'd rank most of this past week as average, maybe slightly above or below.. so I'm always surprised by a particularly good time, and I welcome it with open arms.
I spoke with Sean on the phone in the morning. He's been in touch, and although I know he's going through alot of hardships and seems to only be getting raw deals right now, I do my best to keep his spirits up. Regrettably, that means I can't complain, grieve, or become misty-eyed when we talk. If I'm happy, he has one less thing to worry about.
After we said goodbye, I walked to Star Co. (my local coffee house/place of employment, if you haven't been following along), sat at a shaded table in front, and started knitting away. I've been slacking on the scarf, but I managed to add a good bit of length to it yesterday. It's a great time killer, especially during the long, sticky hours during which my day drags.
The evening rolled around, and it was time to see Iron & Wine. My good friend, Pat, picked me up and we met up with my dearest friend Eden and her boyfriend. Dinner before the show - an Indian food trailer in downtown Austin called G'raj Mahal. Exceptional food, amazing Naan. A few laughs, good times.
Here we are, being pretentious hipsters in ATX. Gotta love Pat's nonprescription specs.
Iron & Wine was beautiful. Calexico opened, and were surprisingly good. I'd never taken a chance to listen to them prior to last night, but I'll be playing them on my iPod later today, I'm sure. I recorded nearly every I&W song on my phone with intentions of creating this live album for Sean. I know he would've liked nothing more than to be sitting next to me, squeezing my hand with my head on his shoulder, witnessing this incredibly intimate performance. This is the closest I can provide to the real thing. The quality on my phone is uncommonly good, so I have a feeling he'll really get a kick out of it.
A good day, indeed.