So, to thank you, I've taken pictures of our very young garden. Sean and I started it together on Earth Day, and I am still of the opinion that that's a pretty cool thing to have done.
For now, it's just this strip leading up to our front door. I'd like to plant a vegetable garden in the backyard soon, but there is alot of work to be done back there first.
We also planted this little guy, who I'm now beginning to believe is a Sago Palm. Apparently, the Sago is pretty toxic. I'll have to keep an eye on this troublemaker.
And one super-saturated picture of my yellow watering can, for good measure.
I've never had a garden before. I am excited now, thinking about how it will look if everything grows and blooms together. Sean won't be here to see it, though. I realized this when we were spreading the seeds and admittedly, the thought really bummed me out. Why start a garden together when he won't even be here to reap the benefits? I grew frustrated, but it didn't take me long to come to my senses. We're filling my life with as much beauty and light as possible before he leaves. He, my greatest source of light.
I'll continue posting pictures of the garden when there's noticeable growth. And hopefully we'll get the backyard done soon, so I can start growing herbs and vegetables. Yum.