Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm not dead yet.

Hmm. My posts are starting to space out more than I intended. I've been busy lately, thus my lack of effort. Maintaining this blog is important to me though, so I'm determined to make time for it.

An update on me:

My classes are fine, I'm doing better than well at keeping up with the work and discussions. I'm working 4 days per week at the coffee shop, and that's been keeping me busier than I'd expected. During my downtime, I've been working on my scarf (which is nearly done now!) and listening to Anna Karenina on audiobook, per Sean's suggestion. It's such a beautifully written story, I'm getting so much from it. Aside from that, I've been spending time at home, time alone. Eden spent last weekend with me, which I had no reservations about as we're the oldest friends. We drank wine at home and talked about the state of things, and had a fantastic time doing it. Surprisingly, there ARE some people I can stand in this world. They're just few and far between.

An update on Sean:

Everything's about the same for him, to be honest. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders, yet none of the resources he needs to support it. He is, however, growing accustomed to the stress and learning how to handle it. He sounds better everytime we talk. I've sent him two carepackages now, and two bundles of letters. I'm going to get another package together this week.

Well. Yeah. I can't help but feel like an automaton as I write this. I'm doing better now than I was one month ago (yes, it's already been over a month now since he left.), but partly because I've stopped feeling. Everything here is dull, listless, hackneyed. I don't see the light of life anymore, I don't feel it's energy. I'm not upset by this, or unsettled. I expected it. Sean isn't here, so this is how it's going to be. The only time I feel fuller, the only time I feel warmth in my chest, is when I talk to him. It's when I hear his voice, when I make him laugh. I know I won't wholly be me again until he's home.

But each day is a day. And I'm getting through them.


  1. I think it's so therapeutic for you to work and take classes. Even if it feels like you're going through the motions. I think you're doing great, Jess. Keep on keeping on.

  2. Did I actually write therapeutic? Dr. Deb here. LOL

  3. Haha, Aunt Deb, as long as you don't get your own radio show and then resign due to commotion over racist slurs, you'd make a fine Dr. Deb. <3
