Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday morning, I've found you once again.

Ah, Sunday morning.

It's quiet, and Sean's still asleep.

It's been a beautiful weekend. We took care of some things we'd been putting off for some time now, but most importantly, we found a new friend!

Elliott. I've been anxiously awaiting the day we'd look at kittens with the intention of bringing one home. As soon as we saw him, the search was over.. he is perfect. He'll be coming home to us within a couple weeks, once he's received the rest of his shots. I expect he'll become a good friend to me while Sean's in Afghanistan. I feel some relief knowing I'll be coming home to someone every night, that I won't be living in an empty home. I think Elliott will be taking care of me as much as I'll be taking care of him. Pictures to come, once he's home with us.
I hate that it's Sunday already. These weekends, they come and go before I have the chance to breathe them in. And essentially, they are all we have. It's one thing to work for the weekend, to fall into it's open arms and let it whisk you away to some dance club or bumpin' party. Ours (and so many others) is a different situation. Come Sunday night, I'm already wishing it was Friday. During the typical work week, I see my husband for 2-3 hours each night. Sometimes, I don't see him until he's already asleep. It's very emotionally harrowing. And it leaves me wondering how civilian couples do this. I ask myself, 'if we were to get out, go to school, find normal jobs.. would it be any easier? Would we really be happier?'

I don't think so.

In fact, I'm of the opinion that life would be harder as a couple. Presently, and for the first time in my life, I'm paying bills with ease. We're living in a beautiful home and making more than enough money to get by. Sean can go through college, and it's all taken care of. He can retire at 40 if we stay in. It's true, you can't argue with the benefits of military life, you really can't. But, I say this as he sleeps upstairs. Ask me again in 6 months, I'm sure my answer will be different.

For now, we're happy. We're happy when we're together. It can get so hard sometimes, outside of the bubble we've created for ourselves. I just hope that we can find reasons to smile like this while we're apart.

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