Monday, May 3, 2010

Constant Reminders

I am an army wife. You probably wouldn't guess it upon meeting me. You probably wouldn't believe it if you knew me in my adolescence. And though I wear the title proudly, I'm probably further removed than most from the actual military aspect of it. I haven't made an attempt at meeting the FRG out here yet. I don't go to Ft. Hood very often, if at all. We don't participate in family events there, and we haven't made friends with anyone in Sean's new unit. I suppose I'm trying to live life as close to a civilian as possible, but the Army is never far from me. I am constantly reminded of what Sean does, what we do, what the future may hold for us. Especially here, at home.

Neither of us are into this, yet here it is. Issued to us by.. you guess it.

I gave Sean his latest haircut with these. He needs one about every two weeks or so.

Our good friend, Brandon Kelly, gave me this bear last year. He's stationed in South Korea now. We miss you, Chocolate Bear.

This is our second bedroom, otherwise known as the Army room. It's far more organized now than it was only two weeks ago, when you couldn't even find the carpet. In here are all kinds of issued goods from Sean's last deployment and for the upcoming one. Necessary things and (of course) tons of unnecessary things.

Always something. It's not just a job. They won't allow it to be anything less than your life.


  1. i've banned anything "military" from the bedroom ... we have tmo closets full of the hubby's military stuff (it's over flowing though) & really as hard as you try there will always be reminders around the house of what they do. It's life ... & we deal the only way we know how!

  2. You said it, babe. I can't believe how much work stuff accumulates here sometimes! I think Sean literally spent like two days organizing that room before you could walk around without stepping on everything.
