Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An Introduction

This day is as good as any.

I'm Jessica. I've lived more in my 21 years than most my age have. I was born and raised in south Florida, spent my late teens in New York, then lived in Germany for two years. It was in Germany that I met my husband, Sean.

Sean is 24, and absolutely brilliant. He was an Infantryman when we met, stationed at Baumholder. Now, he's a Public Affairs Specialist and we are stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas.

I'm a strong, free-spirited woman.. most of the time, at least. I have nine tattoos, eight piercings, and sometimes a bit of an attitude. I smoke, I drink. I read classic literature and listen to lo-fi indie. I sing along. I write far less than I used to. I ride my bike to and from work, and work is an independently-owned cafe in which we serve espresso, wine, locally brewed beers, sandwiches, wraps, and smoothies. I fell in love with Austin, and try to spend as much time there as possible. I also eat very little meat, if any at all.

Sean is an old soul with a young heart.. or maybe it's the other way around. I always have trouble finding the right words to describe his character. I fell in love, and I fell hard when we met. He knows himself well, and always finds the perfect words for any situation. He writes beautifully, far more eloquently than I could ever hope to. He makes me laugh everyday. He is constantly, unintentionally reminding me why I love him and why we are married.

We've been married just over 7 months now, and he is already deploying. We don't know much at the moment, but we know that he's leaving in July. We know he's going to Afghanistan. We know he'll be there for a year. The army is shite, but what can you do? It's our first deployment as a couple (I met him just after he got back from Iraq last year), and I am scared. I can't even fathom a year away from him, and it's going to begin in just a couple months. I wonder if I'll still feel him in my soul like I do now in 5 months. 9 months. A year. It hurts to think about this.

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed. Always remember, it takes a stronger woman to side and fair in marriage during absents of each other in these times. It will strengthen your love for each other as you need to be his guiding light and encouragement more so than ever during those silent days. Remember, it is not our minds we fear but what they think about. God bless you both. I will always be only a phone call away. Love always Dad Very nice blog. I will look forward to your future postings.
